Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Text Vs Verbal Communication

This is the first of what will likely be many ramblings.

So, like the majority of the denizens of the internet, I find it much easier to communicate via text based mediums. That is not to say that when faced with human interaction I become a stammering mess, I'm quite capable of having a normal conversation. I just PREFER text based. There's less urgency to it, if you take 5 minutes to respond to someone in a face-to-face conversation then you're rude or not paying attention. 5 minutes in a text based interaction is a rapid response. You also have the chance to thoroughly and properly think through what you're about to say, make sure you've worded everything to optimally get your point across, pause for a moment and consider how it will most likely be recieved. There are negatives to the text based approach as well, key of which (in my opinion) is that there is no body language to read.




  1. Ah so true, voice is much faster to get information, yet you must also think faster and process your words faster when talking, and not typing :)

  2. I think I'm more good at writing things ... verbal communication is not for me. :)

  3. Same here. It`s much easier for myself to communicate textually.

    following and supporting.


  4. That's really true. Sadly I prefer texting over talking sometimes...
